Upload error messages

Warning 1S

Message: The file (type:'RawImage') named {0} was successfully uploaded but not inserted. Reason: An identical file you own (ID: {2}) already exists in Published Data. (Warning {1})

Warning 5S

Message: The file (type:'RawImage') named {0} was successfully uploaded but not inserted. Reason: An identical file you own (ID: {2}) already exists in Unpublished Data. (Warning {1})

Warning 0X

Message: An unexpected system error occurred (Error {1})

Warning 2X

Message: The file named {0} failed for the follwing reason: Case 2X is not supported by SMIR.[ˆ1]

Reason: An identical file (ID: {2}) owned by another user already exists on SMIR. (Error {1})

Error General

Message: The file upload failed.

Reason: No connection to https://www.smir.ch could be established.

{0} = name of the uploaded file

{1} = name of the error

{2} = ID of the existing

The insertion of the file failed

Error Message: The insertion of the file filename.ext failed

Upload process took longer than the given transaction timeout of 60 minutes

  • Try to upload with a faster internet connection
  • Try to use another file format eg. DICOM to split the file into smaller files

corrupted/unreadable file / file format

  • Please check your file / file format to be supported by SMIR


  • try again later